Digital Footprint

1.What does your current digital footprint says about you?

When I search my name “Jessica Plume” the following information came up about me, First was a website called… It talked about me going to Brock University in 2008-2012. I made this website in high school in my career’s class when I wanted to go into Marketing and Advertising. I went to look at the Facebook website that came up as “Jessica Plume” but when I clicked on it it was not me! I then realized that my privacy settings are set to the highest so that no one can add me and only I can add them. On youtube when you search my name “jessicaplume” on the website my videos I have made in the past show up for people to view. When you search my name on Photo bucket a whole bunch of random photo’s of girl’s appear who are not me. I do however have a Photo bucket account. My username is jessica1413 in which I login a whole bunch of photo’s appear of my friends and me. The website for my Photo bucket is

2. Would you want an employer or teacher to see that? What do you want it to show and say?

When looking at my digital footprint I would not like my employer or teachers seeing everything I have posted up on the internet that follows my digital footprint. Some of the videos and picture’s that I have up on Facebook and Youtube might not be appropriate for them to see. When an employer or teacher does look at my digital footprint what I would like it to say about me would be about my personality and the type of person I am on the inside. I would like it to talk about my goals, to show my creativity and talent I have to offer and about my hobbies or personal life stuff that I would like them to know about who makes me the person I am known for today.

~ by jessicaplume on September 11, 2010.

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